Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Is this really happening? Part 3

My God... not content with slapping and kicking, the fiery sports teacher has nowresorted to punching and caning. The student that was kicked returned a few minutes ago, and was told to bow his head. The teacher then gave him half a dozen heavy punches (the sort you might administer to cause a "dead arm"), and then, asking him to bend over, gave him 15 very sharp stripes on the backside with his cane, pausing after each set of 5 to let the pain register...

I'm about to head home for the day, and the student that was slapped and another student, are still sat in seiza, hours later. Who'd be a Japanese student, eh?...


Is this really happening? part 2

stop press... the slapping teacher has just called another student into his office... as I write he is staring intently at him, having berated him with very harshly enunciated words. When he first came in, he was unaware of the teacher's fury, and wasn't prepared for the vicious kicks to the shins that came without warning. Limping slightly, he's staring at the ground. My oh my... what a day.


Is this really happening?...

What a day so far at my highschool... first of all, one of the sports teams captains was called into the office and given a sergeant major style dressing down by the the head coach. The student in question is very studious and dilligent in class, and to the best of my knowledge hasn't done anything wrong in the past. Yet this morning he was treated like a habitual ne'er-do-well, being shouted at for close to half an hour, culminating in a heavy punch to the chest and banishment to the counselling room for the rest of the day. What did he do, I wonder? Was it something serious enough to warrant such punishment?

And then this afternoon, another student from a different sports team was brought into the office and given a slightly less severe talking too from his head coach. The coach in question is a notorious hardman character, and used his wooden stick to thwack the table to emphasise what he was saying. But then, without any warning what so ever, he stood up and, setting his stance, proceeded to slap the student 4 times across the face with such force and speed that the student was knocked back against the filing cabinet before he knew what had happened. He is currently sitting in seiza on the concrete floor with a purple left cheek, where he will no doubt remain for some time...

I am all in favour of discipline in schools, but that didn't make witnesses these two things any easier...


Scrubs and others

Welcome to the onigiri Speed... yes, I for one have seen scrubs. It's pretty good, from what I remember, although I have only seen a handful of episodes. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that the janitor is the same guy that played the janitor in The Breakfast Club... is this the case or is my mind playing tricks?...

Speaking of American TV shows, are any of you guys familiar with OZ, the HBO drama set in a prison? For me, it's the best American Show of all time. Violence, insights, gripping stories, philosophy, drama, inner battles... it's got it all.

For the record, I have to nominate Six Feet Under for the worst TV show award. Never have I seen such pretentious Americana...

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